Antioch Baptist Church

” The Cross Made the Difference and His tomb is STILL Empty”

When we stop to think of the power of God’s Love, that He would send His only son to die on a cruel torture device such as the cross to pay the penalty for our; mistakes, defiance, meanness, gossip, lusts, idolatry, lackluster service, dishonesty, complacency, unfaithfulness and all manners of sinful behavior, it is simply overwhelming. Never before has the world seen such love on display, nor will it ever again. This weekend we remember not only this act of sacrificial love that saves our eternal souls when accepted, but we also rejoice in the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ who defied death and walked out of the tomb-destroying the power of the grave once and for all for those who believe. We hope that you will join us at the many events we have planned to Celebrate something truly worth celebrating…

Saturday the 16th Kids’ Cerebration beginning at 10:30 am -Free lunch to follow

Sunday Easter Morning the 17th ;

SonRise Service @ Beautiful Rogers’ Pond – 6:30 am

Church-wide Family Breakfast – 9:00 am

Joint Sunday School in Fellowship Hall – 10:00 am

I Will Rise Easter Cantata performed by the Antioch Adult Choir – 11:00 am

Devotion/ Time of Reflection/Invitation – Following Cantata