Today was quite unusual for the Chambers clan as we found ourselves at home having devotions by the fireplace rather than in Church as we ALWAYS are on Sundays at 11:00 am. Words cannot express how special it was as we sat and sang The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace followed by prayer and a time of Devotions shared by every member of the family…oh what a special word …Family. As special as this time was though we all shared how we missed our church family so very much. Though we could not have asked for a more worshipful atmosphere and we love one another so much, it was simply not the same without the rest of our family…you! Words are never adequate to share what it means to have a church family of like minded believers in Almighty God by your side to “do life with” and to worship alongside and snow days like this are a great reminder of the blessing of church family. I pray that you too have had a wonderful weekend despite the cold, ice and snow, but that you as we, have been reminded of the treasure we have in one another at Antioch and as the Christian family universal …I for one LOVE snow but I love you more and cannot wait to worship with you again very soon , in the meantime allow this weather to fulfill Psalm 46:10 in your lives..
Many blessings,
Pastor Dave and Family
Fireside’s Nice -Family is Better
- Last Sunday’s Service Will be Rebroadcast Today
- Stew is Ready Come and Get it!!!