Without a doubt, this past year has been incredibly tough for so many, and most are happy to say farewell to 2021…we will soon get the chance to do so, as a new year rolls in in just a few…
Glory Touching Earth
Please join us as our Adult Choir sings their heart out in the beautiful CHRISTmas Cantata, Glory Touching Earth. Travel back with us more than 2,000 years to the birth of our King and the Dawn of Redeeming Grace. Doors…
Join us tonight the 24th for our FAMILY THANKSGIVING Meal & Celebration 6:00 meal 7:00 Celebration. It’s gonna be Great covered dish meal at the church Wednesday evening as we celebrate God’s goodness together…Lord’s Supper and Celebration to follow in…
Please join us for any and all of the celebrations coming up at the Church as we celebrate the Lord’s Goodness and Blessings to us at Thanksgiving and the Birth of Our Savior, Jesus. ALL are welcome where we are…
Excerpt from Latest Newsletter …
from the Pastors Pen Beloved Family & Friends of Antioch, What a whirlwind the past year or so has been. To be certain the Pandemic has wreaked havoc in so many ways, but I, for one, am so comforted things…
SonRise Service 2021
You won’t want to miss this moving event at Rogers Pond as we celebrate our Risen Lord through spoken word and very special music from “The Elegant Ensemble”. We will meet in the Church parking lot at 677 Antioch Church…
Who is it today?
When we consider the brevity of life and the uncertainty of the times in which we live, we should be reminded of the importance of making every moment count and letting people know just how special they are to us.…

Wednesday Evenings @ Antioch
Don’t forget we ARE meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm for priceless Prayer Time and Bible Study. Together we recharge and refill through fellowship, prayer and the study of God’s Word. Pastor Glen continues his in-depth study of the…
Mark Your Calendars…REVIVAL!
Easter SonRise Service 2021
You won’t want to miss this moving event at Rogers Pond as we celebrate our Risen Lord through spoken word and very special music from “The Elegant Ensemble”. We will meet in the Church parking lot at 677 Antioch Church…